THE SOFO PROJECT will end it in January 2025. The Project consists of three parts: Part 1 is tentatively called Businesses. Here I photographed all kinds of businesses, comercial and non-comercial, and the people working there. Part 2 is called The Streets. I simply photographed every SoFo street from two directions, north-south and east-west. Part 3 is tentatively called Vibes. This part consists of what could be described as street photography; images shot while strolling through the SoFo streets. Here I tried to catch some kind of SoFo atmosphere. Next year I am planning to print each part as a photobook. THE SIVIA TORG PROJECT – For almost eight years, I documented the decline and fall of the Sivia Torg building in the heart of Uppsala, Sweden. The entire building complex – built between 1960 and 1962 – in the Uppsala city center was demolished in 2023. I started this documentary photo project in 2015 and ended it the 6th of March 2023. Photographs are presented in chronological order. THE URBAN CULTURE PROJECT – Autumn term 2023 I I took a course entitled Urban Cultures at the Department of Art History at Uppsala University. The photographs were included as part of the final examination assignment. THE BORING PLACES PROJECT was done in Uppsala, Sweden in 2021. The focus was on unattractive places to take a break from work or a walk. THE STREET BEGGARS PROJECT was shot in 2014, as part of an Arts Teachers' project with their high school students on the concept of "Power". My twelve photographs (100*70 cm) were exhibited at the Aguéli Museum in Sala, and was the starting point for the students' reflexions on the concept of "Power". THE NEW YORK PROJECT – I visited the USA and New York City for the first time in November 2011. During the seven days I spent there, I took photographs in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Williamsburg. Unknowing to me, the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators were just about to be evicted from Zuccotti Park. For 59 days – from 17 September to 15 November – demonstrators had been camping and demonstration aginst economic inequality, corporate greed, big finance, and the influence of money in politics. I just happened to walk past the afternoon before the police went in and cleared the park. THE WOODLANDS PROJECT – Virtually every forested area in Sweden is subject to exploitation. Swedes love to hike or roam in the 'woods,' but finding untouched forests is very difficult. The photographs were taken during walks, primarily in my home region of Dalarna, but also in the areas surrounding Uppsala. The project is a reflection on how human presence remains evident even when humans are absent. CALIFORNIA STREET is a street photography project I worked on when visiting California in 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2020. HASIDIC WILLIAMSBURG – During a 13 minutes walk through the Hasidic Jewish community in Williamsburg in 2017, I shot one "roll of 35 mm film" with the Fuji X100.